Get Involved: Kick Butts Day!
By: Miranda Shreves
One of No Limits most coveted and widespread events is right around the corner: Kick Butts Day. The event will take place on March 20 in Lincoln at the State Capitol Building. Students will rally alongside their peers and march around downtown Lincoln as they spread awareness about the dangers and negative health impacts of tobacco use. Youth will also get the unique chance to discuss this problem with their Senators and learn how to use their voice in local government to create change.
This event is not exclusive to Nebraska – there will be more than 1,000 events across the country taking part in the national day of advocacy. Not only will this event provide a substantial amount of knowledge about Big Tobacco’s manipulative marketing tactics, it will also allow participants to gain teamwork and formal speaking experience. Leadership skills are used by all engaged individuals (and the event looks incredible on a resume). It also presents a chance to gather around like-minded peers from across the state. For these reasons, many relationships begin throughout the course of Kick Butts Day.
To make sure that you do not miss the application for this event, make sure to keep track of the No Limits website and follow all of No Limits’ social media platforms for announcements!
Group Feature: Hartington-Newcastle CAT
By: Kerrigan Hoesing
The Hartington-Newcastle No Limits Group, Cats Against Tobacco, has played a big role in tobacco prevention in the northwestern part of Nebraska. They participated in the Labor Day and Candlelight Christmas parades where they handed out cards explaining what No Limits was and urging people to visit the website to learn more about it. In addition to community activism activities, the CAT group also did sidewalk tagging where they laid on the sidewalk in front of the high school, chalked around each other’s bodies and wrote facts about smoking. One of the facts said, “Did you know Big Tobacco spends over $66 million dollars on marketing deadly products?” That’s crazy, isn’t it?
We appreciate the efforts of groups like Cats Against Tobacco in empowering youth in their community to reduce and prevent tobacco use. Click here to find a No Limits group near you.
Personal Testimony
By: Breonna Wade
Like many of you, Big Tobacco has made a huge impact on my life and not in a good way. For as long as I can remember, the majority of my family have fallen victim to the effects of tobacco. My parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles have all been smoking or chewing since they were in their teens. That constant influence growing up resulted in me trying a cigarette when I was about 11. It was one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made, but I didn’t know that yet. Thankfully, my parents caught me and informed me of all the dangers of tobacco, putting an end to something that could have ruined my life.
No Limits has made me truly understand the importance of informing people about the dangers of Big Tobacco, and I am so grateful to be a part of it!